SeaChoice Fish Labelling Survey


2017 Program Results


Consumer-Driven Research

In spring 2017, SeaChoice partnered with the LifeScanner program and engaged 300 volunteer “citizen scientists” across Canada. Each citizen scientist was provided with DNA collection kits and asked to sample seafood in their local grocery stores. The DNA samples and pictures of the seafood’s label were submitted to LifeScanner.

For this round of sampling we were interested in getting an overview of seafood labelling practices across Canada. As a result, citizen scientists could choose both the seafood they wanted to sample as well as the store to sample in.

In total, 455 samples were successfully processed representing 46 different species from 49 unique retail chain and independent stores from across the country.







Participating Citizen Scientists


Observed 2017 Labelling Practices

Although retailers were doing a relatively good job of telling Canadians whether their seafood was wild caught or farmed, we were eating in the dark when it came to knowing the actual species, the country of harvest, and how the product was caught or farmed. Without this information, Canadians cannot assess the environmental sustainability of the seafood they buy.

Seafood Product

Valid Common Names
Scientific Name

Using common names on product packaging can lead to confusion as some species have multiple common names and some common names refer to multiple species. Using the scientific (Latin) name for species eliminates the confusion – there is only one valid scientific name for each species.

Product Source

Country of Harvest
Country of Processing

Knowing where seafood was sourced (country of harvest) is key to assessing its social and environmental sustainability. And since countries have variable standards for processing related to health, safety, and labour, it is helpful to know where the seafood was processed (ie filleted), via "Product of [Country]".

Harvest Method

Farmed or Wild-Caught
Geartype/Farming Method

Some species may be unsustainable if coming from the wild, but sustainable if farmed (and vice versa). Likewise different geartypes and farming methods have different impacts on species and their environments. Knowing both allow for assessment of sustainability.

More than one in fifteen seafood products sampled by volunteers were determined to be mislabelled.

3% of labels were graded as A: Good Labelling Practice; 7% were B: OK; 26% were considered C: Unsatisfactory; and a huge 57% were considered to be D: Poorly Labelled. 7% of the products evaluated were considered to be mislabelled with an incorrect or improper common name for the species in the package (1 in 15) (see Assessment Process, below, for grading details).

Participating Retailers

49 unique stores were involved in this nationwide survey, including stores from major grocery chains and independent stores. This survey was supported by volunteers in 150 cities and towns from 12 provinces and territories across Canada.

TruValue Safeway Village Food Markets Country Grocer Zehrs Super A Foods Whole Foods Costco G&H AG Foods Butcher Boys Foodland Askews Foods Maxi Metro Mountain Goodness Natural Foods Fortinos Choices Fairway Market Dominion Save-On Foods IGA Extra Foods Liberty Sobeys Your Independent Grocer (Loblaws Chain) Provigo No Frills Food Basics Kootenay Co-op Gimli Fish Market Northmart Quality Foods Marche Bonichoix Giant Tiger Buy-Low Foods Co-op Atlantic Pete's. Independent (Sobeys) Federated Co-Op Real Canadian Superstore Valumart Loblaws Atlantic Superstore Big Way Nesters Discovery Foods Wal-Mart Farm Boy Thriftys

Seafood mislabelling can occur anywhere along the supply chain – which means it may not be the retailer that is responsible for the mislabelling. It would be unfair to place the onus on the retailer without knowing the exact origin of the labelling error. SeaChoice followed up with each retailer for which our DNA testing found instances of mislabelling.

We alerted the retailers to the issue and discussed what steps they could take to make sure errors do not happen again in the future.


Assessment Process

SeaChoice assessed each label by determining whether the genetic identification of the seafood item corresponded with acceptable common names from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) Fish List, as well as the number of pieces of key information elements included on the label. Samples were determined to be mislabeled (red on the map) if the identification from the DNA of the sample and the common name listed on the packaging did not match. If the item was correctly labelled by CFIA standards, SeaChoice then determined how many existing best practice labelling elements were included on the package. These labelling elements are:

  1. Correct common name
  2. Scientific name
  3. Geographic origin
  4. Country of processing (product of)
  5. Harvest method
  6. Whether farmed or wild
If 5-6 of these basic elements were listed, then the product was categorized under "Good Labelling Practice" and marked on the map and table below in dark green. Those with only 4 of the above elements included are marked in light green ("OK"), 3 elements are marked in yellow ("Unsatisfactory"), and 2 or fewer elements are marked in orange ("Poor Labelling Practice"). NOTE: CFIA regulation mandates that only “product of” and common name are required.

DNA Barcodes Generated

Program: SeaChoice Fish Labelling Survey

Kit Code Vial ID Sample Type Date Submitted Status Identification Label Assessment
A0M7N7 BOLD-7G7 seafood/marine 28-APR-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0M7N7 BOLD-NL6 seafood/marine 28-APR-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0SRM9 BOLD-5S7 seafood/marine 28-APR-2017 Identified Sander vitreus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0SRM9 BOLD-P49 seafood/marine 28-APR-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0ESV9 BOLD-QX4 seafood/marine 28-APR-2017 Identified Hippoglossus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0ESV9 BOLD-UE1 seafood/marine 28-APR-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0I3G5 BOLD-FQ4 seafood/marine 28-APR-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0MKC2 BOLD-522 seafood/marine 29-APR-2017 Identified Hippoglossoides
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MKC2 BOLD-QB3 seafood/marine 29-APR-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0IXW3 BOLD-7S3 seafood/marine 29-APR-2017 Identified Pandalus borealis
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0IXW3 BOLD-LG5 seafood/marine 29-APR-2017 Identified Pleoticus muelleri
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0KJ81 BOLD-5H2 seafood/marine 29-APR-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GML3 BOLD-0P1 seafood/marine 30-APR-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GML3 BOLD-2A7 seafood/marine 30-APR-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0M4N0 BOLD-1X7 seafood/marine 30-APR-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0M4N0 BOLD-ZK7 seafood/marine 30-APR-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0IN99 BOLD-6Y5 seafood/marine 30-APR-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0EXH5 BOLD-MW7 seafood/marine 30-APR-2017 Identified Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FU73 BOLD-TA9 seafood/marine 01-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes brevispinis
Mislabelled Product
A0FU73 BOLD-1F9 seafood/marine 01-MAY-2017 Identified Pandalus borealis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NIV9 BOLD-VX5 seafood/marine 01-MAY-2017 Identified Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NIV9 BOLD-5V2 seafood/marine 01-MAY-2017 Identified Urophycis tenuis
Mislabelled Product
A0GSZ6 BOLD-BS7 seafood/marine 01-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0IY49 BOLD-X92 seafood/marine 01-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0IY49 BOLD-MN2 seafood/marine 01-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes flavidus
Mislabelled Product
A0GTN1 BOLD-MK5 seafood/marine 02-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes flavidus
Mislabelled Product
A0JCZ5 BOLD-UQ2 seafood/marine 02-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0HG24 BOLD-EZ4 seafood/marine 02-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GTE1 BOLD-L18 seafood/marine 02-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GTE1 BOLD-XL6 seafood/marine 02-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0LEF3 BOLD-PX9 seafood/marine 02-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OGT3 BOLD-CG2 seafood/marine 02-MAY-2017 Identified Parophrys vetulus
Mislabelled Product
A0LEF3 BOLD-MV5 seafood/marine 02-MAY-2017 Identified Sander vitreus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0LKR1 BOLD-TX1 seafood/marine 02-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0OGT3 BOLD-M90 seafood/marine 02-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0LKR1 BOLD-MX0 seafood/marine 02-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0M1W4 BOLD-7E8 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0M2W3 BOLD-KQ2 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0M2W3 BOLD-R04 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0M1W4 BOLD-IB4 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0H9P2 BOLD-205 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0H9P2 BOLD-HT9 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0KZU1 BOLD-WA8 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0J279 BOLD-LN7 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes diploproa
Mislabelled Product
A0KZU1 BOLD-B44 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0I3Z3 BOLD-CA3 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0EXH5 BOLD-DW7 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus chalcogrammus
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0JCZ5 BOLD-Z01 seafood/marine 03-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NTI6 BOLD-HV8 seafood/marine 04-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda ferruginea
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0I9D5 BOLD-Y76 seafood/marine 04-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GSZ6 BOLD-Z29 seafood/marine 04-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0O7K9 BOLD-758 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0O7K9 BOLD-9E2 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FSQ8 BOLD-H18 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Ophiodon elongatus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0G433 BOLD-FB9 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JFP4 BOLD-KZ9 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0JFP4 BOLD-101 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0G433 BOLD-6I3 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0EGQ2 BOLD-1R3 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NEF8 BOLD-PZ1 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0NEF8 BOLD-7G9 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0RC42 BOLD-OX1 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0M9L0 BOLD-M29 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Todarodes pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0RC42 BOLD-RV5 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus chalcogrammus
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0M9L0 BOLD-N97 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OTD5 BOLD-7L8 seafood/marine 05-MAY-2017 Identified Salvelinus
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0NFG5 BOLD-276 seafood/marine 06-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0NFG5 BOLD-CL9 seafood/marine 06-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0IVU9 BOLD-EM1 seafood/marine 06-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes alutus
Mislabelled Product
A0M3D3 BOLD-0K4 seafood/marine 06-MAY-2017 Identified Thunnus
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0M3D3 BOLD-860 seafood/marine 06-MAY-2017 Identified Thunnus
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0GTN1 BOLD-XP3 seafood/marine 06-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MJW9 BOLD-HX2 seafood/marine 06-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0F6Z7 BOLD-MZ5 seafood/marine 06-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0F6Z7 BOLD-XR7 seafood/marine 06-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus kisutch
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0O2T4 BOLD-AE7 seafood/marine 06-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes pinniger
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0O2T4 BOLD-N52 seafood/marine 06-MAY-2017 Identified Oreochromis mossambicus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0SJ18 BOLD-W52 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0FUD4 BOLD-HU5 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes pinniger
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0SJ18 BOLD-P48 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FUD4 BOLD-F93 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JTQ8 BOLD-VK9 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JTQ8 BOLD-A22 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0M489 BOLD-SC9 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0M489 BOLD-UP2 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FPB4 BOLD-EF5 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus mykiss
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FPB4 BOLD-DQ2 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OTD5 BOLD-9F7 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda ferruginea
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0FUG8 BOLD-045 seafood/marine 07-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0IDM5 BOLD-ZL6 seafood/marine 08-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes alutus
Mislabelled Product
A0I8U9 BOLD-QT3 seafood/marine 08-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OIV7 BOLD-HA8 seafood/marine 08-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0I3Z3 BOLD-G72 seafood/marine 08-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OBY7 BOLD-Z75 seafood/marine 08-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0GQM7 BOLD-E69 seafood/marine 09-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes alutus
Mislabelled Product
A0GQM7 BOLD-EG7 seafood/marine 09-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0RF98 BOLD-DY1 seafood/marine 09-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FY87 BOLD-2X6 seafood/marine 09-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0ITB3 BOLD-QN2 seafood/marine 09-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0S6O2 BOLD-B76 seafood/marine 09-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0ITB3 BOLD-KH9 seafood/marine 09-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0LP75 BOLD-QB9 seafood/marine 09-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PGJ3 BOLD-4U8 seafood/marine 09-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0I3G5 BOLD-9O2 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PGJ3 BOLD-CF8 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0O7U7 BOLD-615 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0O7U7 BOLD-PA5 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0LU96 BOLD-ZQ2 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FSQ8 BOLD-2D8 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0IVU9 BOLD-EY9 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NYE0 BOLD-5P2 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0QE18 BOLD-MH7 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0NFZ3 BOLD-YC4 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0IN16 BOLD-272 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FY87 BOLD-NA7 seafood/marine 10-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0IMN3 BOLD-HV5 seafood/marine 11-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0IMN3 BOLD-ZQ8 seafood/marine 11-MAY-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0QZG9 BOLD-BI1 seafood/marine 11-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0QZG9 BOLD-6V2 seafood/marine 11-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PYI7 BOLD-8X3 seafood/marine 11-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0PYI7 BOLD-9L7 seafood/marine 11-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0LQ66 BOLD-054 seafood/marine 11-MAY-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0LQ66 BOLD-UA0 seafood/marine 11-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda ferruginea
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0J279 BOLD-NX8 seafood/marine 11-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OZX5 BOLD-B58 seafood/marine 11-MAY-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0OZX5 BOLD-TD1 seafood/marine 11-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
Mislabelled Product
A0NYE0 BOLD-PD3 seafood/marine 12-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PXL2 BOLD-HX9 seafood/marine 12-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda ferruginea
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PXL2 BOLD-CW3 seafood/marine 12-MAY-2017 Identified Oreochromis mossambicus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GLU4 BOLD-Z58 seafood/marine 12-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes aleutianus
Mislabelled Product
A0GLU4 BOLD-GT4 seafood/marine 12-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OIV7 BOLD-B55 seafood/marine 12-MAY-2017 Identified Scomber scombrus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0K2E6 BOLD-1M7 seafood/marine 12-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0K2E6 BOLD-O92 seafood/marine 12-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes flavidus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0IN16 BOLD-5G2 seafood/marine 12-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0S832 BOLD-QA9 seafood/marine 13-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0QOL9 BOLD-YH3 seafood/marine 13-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0QOL9 BOLD-KT9 seafood/marine 13-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0P4J2 BOLD-9U7 seafood/marine 13-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0IX24 BOLD-OW6 seafood/marine 13-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0IX24 BOLD-UW1 seafood/marine 13-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes melanostictus
Mislabelled Product
A0LOD7 BOLD-BI9 seafood/marine 14-MAY-2017 Identified Pandalus borealis
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0LOD7 BOLD-9U8 seafood/marine 14-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0EIY2 BOLD-7L0 seafood/marine 14-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0EIY2 BOLD-OQ5 seafood/marine 14-MAY-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JLY8 BOLD-7W0 seafood/marine 14-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JLY8 BOLD-U72 seafood/marine 14-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
Mislabelled Product
A0MX75 BOLD-QG4 seafood/marine 14-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0N1E0 BOLD-1B2 seafood/marine 15-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0N1E0 BOLD-5N4 seafood/marine 15-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PBJ8 BOLD-A19 seafood/marine 15-MAY-2017 Identified Pleoticus muelleri
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0SGN7 BOLD-625 seafood/marine 15-MAY-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0SGN7 BOLD-O49 seafood/marine 15-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0IZV3 BOLD-VX4 seafood/marine 15-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0HV37 BOLD-Q58 seafood/marine 15-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0HV37 BOLD-156 seafood/marine 15-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0IZV3 BOLD-8D4 seafood/marine 15-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0P2K2 BOLD-D03 seafood/marine 16-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0FEP4 BOLD-918 seafood/marine 16-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0P2K2 BOLD-4S8 seafood/marine 16-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0S2D0 BOLD-QR2 seafood/marine 16-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FEP4 BOLD-FZ2 seafood/marine 16-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PBJ8 BOLD-MH4 seafood/marine 16-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0K8R2 BOLD-HU1 seafood/marine 17-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0K8R2 BOLD-8I8 seafood/marine 17-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0RMO2 BOLD-5T8 seafood/marine 17-MAY-2017 Identified Lepidopsetta polyxystra
Mislabelled Product
A0RMO2 BOLD-LO5 seafood/marine 17-MAY-2017 Identified Sander lucioperca
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0Q8M0 BOLD-KU1 seafood/marine 17-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossoides elassodon
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0L8C3 BOLD-9X1 seafood/marine 17-MAY-2017 Identified Oreochromis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0L8C3 BOLD-Q09 seafood/marine 17-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0LP75 BOLD-8G6 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0QLW8 BOLD-BP2 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Salmo salar
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0MFE2 BOLD-G14 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MFE2 BOLD-6U2 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GXT4 BOLD-LX3 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes flavidus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PVF7 BOLD-FK5 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
Mislabelled Product
A0GXT4 BOLD-805 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PVF7 BOLD-C61 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossoides elassodon
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MB28 BOLD-IP5 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0RFK8 BOLD-RD9 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0Q1R6 BOLD-0M2 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0Q1R6 BOLD-DC5 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0HG24 BOLD-IY7 seafood/marine 18-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0L1D7 BOLD-7U0 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0L1D7 BOLD-605 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Parophrys vetulus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JKE3 BOLD-ZX3 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JKE3 BOLD-GK6 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0I4Q2 BOLD-UM8 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0K624 BOLD-G74 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0K624 BOLD-QR8 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0I4Q2 BOLD-UA5 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0LZU9 BOLD-GC1 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NZ54 BOLD-PM3 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0LZU9 BOLD-H64 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Salvelinus alpinus
Mislabelled Product
A0QUE8 BOLD-1K9 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NZ54 BOLD-A57 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0I289 BOLD-WE4 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes proriger
Mislabelled Product
A0IN99 BOLD-UI4 seafood/marine 19-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NC40 BOLD-8F4 seafood/marine 20-MAY-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PQF2 BOLD-8X6 seafood/marine 21-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0O6M6 BOLD-DK0 seafood/marine 21-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0Q8M0 BOLD-NB4 seafood/marine 21-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0EMN2 BOLD-LZ8 seafood/marine 21-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0EMN2 BOLD-T01 seafood/marine 21-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0SEU4 BOLD-9B2 seafood/marine 22-MAY-2017 Identified Sander vitreus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PVZ3 BOLD-E06 seafood/marine 22-MAY-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0O6M6 BOLD-NT9 seafood/marine 22-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PHE3 BOLD-YD4 seafood/marine 22-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0MOJ2 BOLD-X97 seafood/marine 23-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus hippoglossus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MOJ2 BOLD-XW9 seafood/marine 23-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GN78 BOLD-SZ0 seafood/marine 23-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes brevispinis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GN78 BOLD-OU0 seafood/marine 23-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MX75 BOLD-7U8 seafood/marine 23-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0KJ81 BOLD-1H6 seafood/marine 23-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GF19 BOLD-YW5 seafood/marine 23-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0GF19 BOLD-607 seafood/marine 23-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0NLY9 BOLD-XM7 seafood/marine 24-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0NLY9 BOLD-ZE1 seafood/marine 24-MAY-2017 Identified Pandalus borealis
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0OF86 BOLD-QT9 seafood/marine 24-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0IH12 BOLD-HT7 seafood/marine 24-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes flavidus
Mislabelled Product
A0OF86 BOLD-M56 seafood/marine 24-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes alutus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0K2V9 BOLD-AI4 seafood/marine 24-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0QZF1 BOLD-BL2 seafood/marine 24-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0QZF1 BOLD-ES4 seafood/marine 24-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0HOK1 BOLD-GB4 seafood/marine 24-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0HOK1 BOLD-F12 seafood/marine 24-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0S3N7 BOLD-7K8 seafood/marine 24-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OYE8 BOLD-6P2 seafood/marine 25-MAY-2017 Identified Sander vitreus
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0MOH7 BOLD-B77 seafood/marine 25-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MOH7 BOLD-8D5 seafood/marine 25-MAY-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0SGQ1 BOLD-SN7 seafood/marine 25-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0SGQ1 BOLD-OC3 seafood/marine 25-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GSL7 BOLD-1K6 seafood/marine 25-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0P3N4 BOLD-PG4 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0R439 BOLD-FQ8 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NX23 BOLD-V41 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0NX23 BOLD-L92 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Lepidopsetta polyxystra
Mislabelled Product
A0RZE1 BOLD-FY9 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0P3N4 BOLD-G19 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0I7O3 BOLD-PE8 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0I7O3 BOLD-HU9 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0FTE3 BOLD-8Z5 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FTE3 BOLD-HM0 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0KXV1 BOLD-HU4 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0EO48 BOLD-UL3 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0EO48 BOLD-GH7 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GSL7 BOLD-K01 seafood/marine 26-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes entomelas
Mislabelled Product
A0EK26 BOLD-GR3 seafood/marine 27-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0EK26 BOLD-KE0 seafood/marine 27-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0IH12 BOLD-652 seafood/marine 27-MAY-2017 Identified Pleoticus muelleri
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FUG8 BOLD-UL8 seafood/marine 27-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PUY6 BOLD-NC9 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PUY6 BOLD-708 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0Q2K0 BOLD-NP1 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0Q2K0 BOLD-2I8 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus mykiss
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FZR9 BOLD-947 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FZR9 BOLD-7U0 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0L5R3 BOLD-1L2 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PGC9 BOLD-E54 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PGC9 BOLD-OH5 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
Mislabelled Product
A0QC69 BOLD-PF6 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0QC69 BOLD-KG1 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0J1R1 BOLD-0X4 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0J1R1 BOLD-CH4 seafood/marine 28-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0K756 BOLD-XF1 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0K756 BOLD-T03 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FWX8 BOLD-8A5 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FWX8 BOLD-FQ9 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NUB1 BOLD-QS5 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PXH1 BOLD-6Q3 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NUB1 BOLD-GS4 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0LET2 BOLD-B88 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PQF2 BOLD-W95 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda ferruginea
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0IXC7 BOLD-2B7 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0IXC7 BOLD-S75 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Sebastes alutus
Mislabelled Product
A0LET2 BOLD-DE1 seafood/marine 29-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PU97 BOLD-2K4 seafood/marine 30-MAY-2017 Identified Sander vitreus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PU97 BOLD-MT3 seafood/marine 30-MAY-2017 Identified Oreochromis niloticus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0RJ29 BOLD-9U3 seafood/marine 30-MAY-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0RJ29 BOLD-XS5 seafood/marine 30-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0QWP2 BOLD-762 seafood/marine 30-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda ferruginea
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0QZR5 BOLD-EY2 seafood/marine 30-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FKD4 BOLD-BL2 seafood/marine 30-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FKD4 BOLD-XZ5 seafood/marine 30-MAY-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NYJ9 BOLD-566 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NYJ9 BOLD-XO9 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus chalcogrammus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0POJ5 BOLD-ZM2 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0POJ5 BOLD-1N2 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NKL9 BOLD-DE4 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0NKL9 BOLD-SL0 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0J4O4 BOLD-X77 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MUS6 BOLD-VH5 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0HMG2 BOLD-EC3 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0HMG2 BOLD-IC4 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0QFN3 BOLD-E95 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0QFN3 BOLD-N83 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Limanda ferruginea
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0PJO9 BOLD-1U8 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PJO9 BOLD-WU7 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0H381 BOLD-HK4 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0H381 BOLD-2B8 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NHE7 BOLD-XN4 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0MBH0 BOLD-RP2 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0LUT6 BOLD-EF3 seafood/marine 31-MAY-2017 Identified Pandalus borealis
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0S1K6 BOLD-622 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Oreochromis niloticus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0S1K6 BOLD-2Y1 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Lepidopsetta polyxystra
Mislabelled Product
A0FBR3 BOLD-XU5 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FBR3 BOLD-E45 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0QM69 BOLD-BU5 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Limanda ferruginea
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0QM69 BOLD-SA8 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes alutus
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0NMP8 BOLD-1F5 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0Q5V3 BOLD-PR0 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0Q5V3 BOLD-EW5 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0JXU5 BOLD-CK2 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0EO89 BOLD-T58 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes flavidus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0EO89 BOLD-DU3 seafood/marine 01-JUN-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0F6O1 BOLD-O55 seafood/marine 02-JUN-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0HBQ1 BOLD-HS0 seafood/marine 02-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes entomelas
Mislabelled Product
A0HBQ1 BOLD-AB3 seafood/marine 02-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus keta
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0K5I4 BOLD-9A5 seafood/marine 02-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes brevispinis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0K5I4 BOLD-RX5 seafood/marine 02-JUN-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GWQ2 BOLD-8E3 seafood/marine 02-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GWQ2 BOLD-4A4 seafood/marine 02-JUN-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0QO34 BOLD-R18 seafood/marine 02-JUN-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0QO34 BOLD-8V4 seafood/marine 03-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PDK4 BOLD-806 seafood/marine 03-JUN-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0I289 BOLD-K48 seafood/marine 03-JUN-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0G4J2 BOLD-ET0 seafood/marine 03-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0G4J2 BOLD-6N0 seafood/marine 03-JUN-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0L481 BOLD-ZK3 seafood/marine 03-JUN-2017 Identified Sander vitreus
A0L481 BOLD-L58 seafood/marine 03-JUN-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
A0LQ33 BOLD-NU4 seafood/marine 03-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0LQ33 BOLD-TE8 seafood/marine 03-JUN-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FRL0 BOLD-K79 seafood/marine 04-JUN-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MDJ3 BOLD-HR9 seafood/marine 04-JUN-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0MDJ3 BOLD-DX4 seafood/marine 04-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OU40 BOLD-W75 seafood/marine 04-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0R959 BOLD-YC1 seafood/marine 04-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0O6W4 BOLD-IQ2 seafood/marine 04-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0O6W4 BOLD-TX1 seafood/marine 04-JUN-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0P1C1 BOLD-5D9 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0KR59 BOLD-MG0 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0KR59 BOLD-W49 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MY74 BOLD-XE9 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0PSC7 BOLD-NX8 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PSC7 BOLD-929 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Lepidopsetta polyxystra
Mislabelled Product
A0G8U4 BOLD-N67 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus mykiss
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0G8U4 BOLD-WO8 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes serranoides
Mislabelled Product
A0GDV0 BOLD-VO4 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PDK4 BOLD-KT9 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0OEV1 BOLD-5Y6 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0OEV1 BOLD-9G6 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus keta
Mislabelled Product
A0NKG0 BOLD-HK7 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0QMX4 BOLD-B22 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0N5K3 BOLD-4H2 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FXD1 BOLD-TR2 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0QMX4 BOLD-LN3 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FXD1 BOLD-VP8 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Parophrys vetulus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OYK5 BOLD-PX6 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Limanda ferruginea
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0OYK5 BOLD-F82 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0S2D0 BOLD-HL6 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0N5K3 BOLD-ZB8 seafood/marine 05-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0R959 BOLD-124 seafood/marine 06-JUN-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0QP41 BOLD-2T3 seafood/marine 06-JUN-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0QP41 BOLD-K09 seafood/marine 06-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FRP1 BOLD-VW4 seafood/marine 06-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes alutus
Mislabelled Product
A0FRP1 BOLD-KC4 seafood/marine 06-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NRP3 BOLD-YG0 seafood/marine 06-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NRP3 BOLD-B71 seafood/marine 06-JUN-2017 Identified Placopecten magellanicus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MF81 BOLD-SM0 seafood/marine 06-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MF81 BOLD-ED0 seafood/marine 06-JUN-2017 Identified Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JPT5 BOLD-LE2 seafood/marine 06-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JPT5 BOLD-CI6 seafood/marine 06-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PNS6 BOLD-DC5 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PNS6 BOLD-693 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Mytilus
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0NC40 BOLD-AM8 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NIT3 BOLD-AB2 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NIT3 BOLD-1I3 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FCR2 BOLD-W52 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Sander vitreus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0L5P7 BOLD-H94 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0J170 BOLD-H51 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0J170 BOLD-E87 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0ISR9 BOLD-FD7 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0ISR9 BOLD-7E6 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NS93 BOLD-V79 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NS93 BOLD-1E0 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Urophycis tenuis
Mislabelled Product
A0NYW1 BOLD-O60 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0NYW1 BOLD-IX9 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0NKG0 BOLD-RF8 seafood/marine 07-JUN-2017 Identified Pandalus borealis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0Q8H1 BOLD-WF5 seafood/marine 08-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0Q8H1 BOLD-2K4 seafood/marine 08-JUN-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PN29 BOLD-7Z7 seafood/marine 08-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0Q2S2 BOLD-SE1 seafood/marine 08-JUN-2017 Identified Pandalus borealis
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0Q2S2 BOLD-R96 seafood/marine 08-JUN-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0N4F5 BOLD-H12 seafood/marine 08-JUN-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PHE3 BOLD-RW5 seafood/marine 08-JUN-2017 Identified Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0N4F5 BOLD-7S5 seafood/marine 08-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
Mislabelled Product
A0PKL5 BOLD-4I3 seafood/marine 08-JUN-2017 Identified Limanda aspera
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0PKL5 BOLD-0E0 seafood/marine 08-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0GES5 BOLD-OH9 seafood/marine 09-JUN-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0F534 BOLD-D72 seafood/marine 09-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0ENV4 BOLD-594 seafood/marine 09-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0ENV4 BOLD-HQ2 seafood/marine 09-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0Q688 BOLD-Z63 seafood/marine 09-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus chalcogrammus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0Q688 BOLD-DH9 seafood/marine 09-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0G3U9 BOLD-UT5 seafood/marine 09-JUN-2017 Identified Micromesistius australis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0S3U2 BOLD-7D5 seafood/marine 09-JUN-2017 Identified Salmo salar
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JKU8 BOLD-1E3 seafood/marine 11-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JKU8 BOLD-AU6 seafood/marine 11-JUN-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JNS9 BOLD-NO4 seafood/marine 11-JUN-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0JNS9 BOLD-W28 seafood/marine 11-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes flavidus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OYE8 BOLD-TI6 seafood/marine 12-JUN-2017 Identified Sander vitreus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0O187 BOLD-N61 seafood/marine 12-JUN-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0Q1I5 BOLD-AB3 seafood/marine 12-JUN-2017 Identified Sander vitreus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0Q1I5 BOLD-CZ3 seafood/marine 12-JUN-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0RZL6 BOLD-RU3 seafood/marine 13-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FGP2 BOLD-A87 seafood/marine 13-JUN-2017 Identified Parophrys vetulus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FGP2 BOLD-1Y5 seafood/marine 13-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0EUW5 BOLD-8L9 seafood/marine 14-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes proriger
Mislabelled Product
A0EUW5 BOLD-2E3 seafood/marine 14-JUN-2017 Identified Microstomus pacificus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0FE79 BOLD-S80 seafood/marine 14-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0FE79 BOLD-UR5 seafood/marine 14-JUN-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0SMB8 BOLD-IT1 seafood/marine 14-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0S3U2 BOLD-IA5 seafood/marine 14-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MVL1 BOLD-WI0 seafood/marine 15-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0MVL1 BOLD-W89 seafood/marine 15-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0GWZ2 BOLD-SF6 seafood/marine 15-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0GWZ2 BOLD-1G8 seafood/marine 15-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus nerka
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0QI71 BOLD-ZF2 seafood/marine 15-JUN-2017 Identified Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0JF61 BOLD-G96 seafood/marine 16-JUN-2017 Identified Hippoglossus stenolepis
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0JF61 BOLD-CQ2 seafood/marine 16-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0Q8R9 BOLD-640 seafood/marine 16-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes
B: OK Labelling Practice
A0PLZ3 BOLD-PK7 seafood/marine 16-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus morhua
C: Unsatisfactory Labelling Practice
A0PLZ3 BOLD-2F1 seafood/marine 16-JUN-2017 Identified Illex argentinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GVM2 BOLD-DZ3 seafood/marine 17-JUN-2017 Identified Hippoglossus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PCW9 BOLD-C20 seafood/marine 18-JUN-2017 Identified Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0PCW9 BOLD-CA1 seafood/marine 18-JUN-2017 Identified Oreochromis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OM89 BOLD-HI6 seafood/marine 19-JUN-2017 Identified Oreochromis
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0OM89 BOLD-260 seafood/marine 19-JUN-2017 Identified Sebastes alutus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0MUS6 BOLD-US2 seafood/marine 19-JUN-2017 Identified Oncorhynchus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0GVM2 BOLD-9M4 seafood/marine 23-JUN-2017 Identified Gadus macrocephalus
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0HR64 BOLD-FY8 seafood/marine 25-JUN-2017 Identified Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0HR64 BOLD-057 seafood/marine 25-JUN-2017 Identified Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
A: Good Labelling Practice
A0L5S0 BOLD-OP4 seafood/marine 01-JUL-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0L5S0 BOLD-Z98 seafood/marine 14-JUL-2017 Identified Litopenaeus vannamei
D: Poor Labelling Practice
A0NBZ7 BOLD-PB7 seafood/marine 18-AUG-2017 Identified Melanogrammus aeglefinus
D: Poor Labelling Practice

Status of the project: Evaluated